5 qualities that make a good PR professional

While in school and studying marketing as my concentration, the PR industry never occurred to me. There would be a paragraph giving a brief synopsis into the world of PR and from there the rest of the chapter would carry on. Now looking back, I wished that PR was covered in my major’s curriculum just to help provide me with what public relations entails and someone gets there professionally. Thinking about working in Public Relations? Below are a few qualities that a good PR professional possess. Do you have it?


Whether you’re waiting on feedback on a press release or waiting on a response from an editor on a pitch, having patience is an important quality to have if you’re thinking of becoming a PR professional. While many projects or assignments do have deadlines, it’s important to remember that clients and editors also need time to weigh-in on the assignments you send to them. Luckily, my experience in retail gives me the patience of a saint and I’ve found that experience helps manage relationships in the PR world.


When you’re working in PR, be expected to multi-task on different assignments on a daily basis. Being able to multi-task on different projects helps you break up the work so you’re not working on the same project all day. One way to assist with multi-tasking is having great time management techniques.  For a few tips on different time management methods, check out one of my previous post, “Time management for PR professionals.”


Being flexible in PR means being understanding. If your client decides that their company no longer wishes to issue a press release on certain news or topic, being flexible and understanding of their decision is a must. If you pitch material to an editor for consideration for an upcoming article, but they aren’t interested, be understanding of their choice. In both cases feel free to offer an alternative for their consideration.

Balancing Work/Life

An important must do is remembering to balance your work life and your personal life. Having time for yourself is important because it helps us to decompress after work. Constantly responding to emails out of work that aren’t important will constantly have you in work mode, which in most cases can help contribute to burnout. In 2012, 65 percent of Americans cited work as a top source of stress, according to the American Psychological Association's (APA) annual Stress in America Survey.

Remember…We’re all humans

At the end of the day, when titles are removed, we are all humans. When appropriate, it’s nice to ask your client unrelated work questions such as, ‘how’s it going?’ or ‘how was your weekend?’

What are some qualities that you feel good PR professionals possess? Email us and let us know at info@lrgmarketing.com.

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LRG Marketing